Mexican Culture
& History
Enchiladas, the most representative Mexican food in Puebla.
Enchiladas are one of the traditional Mexican dishes; it is noted for its wide variety of colors and spicy flavors and the objective of delighting
Guacamole, delight of the gods
Guacamole is one of the many Mexican sauces full of tradition and history, its unmatched flavor and versatility produces addiction to whoever tries it. This elixir of the gods is a dish that you will surely love.
Tacos, the most representative Mexican dish
Tacos are one of the many famous Mexican dishes, their flavor is unmatched and their variety is immense. In each state of the Mexican Republic we can find delicious varieties that will make us fall in love with them cuisine.
The most popular Mexican drinks
Mexico is not only a nation full of delicious dishes, it is also a nation full of drinks ideal for any occasion. From mezcal to a good chocolate, Mexican drinks are full of history and flavors that you will undoubtedly love.
Tequila: History, Benefits, and Our Top Picks
Tequila is a spirit made from the blue agave plant, which is native to Mexico. It has a rich history that dates back to the
The History and Tradition Behind Mexican Pozole
Pozole is a traditional Mexican soup that has been enjoyed for centuries. It has a rich history that dates back to the Aztecs, who used